Girls With a Future


We have topped 100 girls in all or part of the program


Majo cooking, Guate House
Majo cooking in the Guate house.
Guisela working.
Guisela working in the Guate house.
Dalia working.
Dalia working in the Guate house.


Maria, Glynis, Wendy, and Mariela are ready to make this next big step in life. The interview process is long and very hard, but they are determined to make it. Wendy has been offered a job and the others are getting closer to the big day through hard work on their English.

We changed companies to Alorica, as opportunity seemed much greater generally and for our Mayan girls specifically.  They are living in safety in the nearby Guatemala City Spirit house.


Gisela, Sildi and Lesvia visited the Allied Global training center in July. They were told their English was sufficient to come to work. This is the job of jobs in Guatemala with salaries 2-3 times what   they can gain elsewhere. They are all working harder than ever in English and have huge smiles. They are excellent role models for the younger girls. They can do it!

During the first day of class, students were told to explain how they learned English. Many were in private school for years or spent time in the USA (from wealthy families). Our girls explained they were from Coatepeque and learned in 2-5 years, which stunned their classmates. Our girls had a slightly satisfied smile.

Sildi is the first “poster child” for Allied Global’s employees.


Hello. My name is Sildi. I am 17 years old and came from Colomba (Coatepeque). I started learning English when I started High School with an American Foundation. I learned a lot, but when I was in middle school, no one told me how important English was important. I could never imagine that English would have so many opportunities. When I was in middle school, I sold cream and cheese at the week-ends to pay for my schooling. I decided that I wanted to be someone better, gain more money because I was sad I couldn’t help my family. Also I was sad I couldn’t continue my studies, because my family didn’t have any money.  I was interested in Allied Global without knowing anything about Guatemala City because I had never been there, but thankfully, they helped me a lot. I perfected my English in their training. It was a wonderful experience. I am very content. I am able to help my family and I plan to go to university.


Hilda and classmate, Elisa 16 Hilda paper(not shown) finished their law program. Hilda finished her thesis and private exams.  She likes to help others, as her godmothers taught her what it means to receive necessary help. Elisa is working her thesis and exams while the legal representative on drug Swat teams. She loves it.! They both obtained the coveted jobs as Officials at the Public Ministry. Hilda  is now somebody with a title! Her dream is a reality.and after 38 years of marriage, her mother has an inside kitchen. No more rain water in the rice pot.Hilda is now president of the Spirit Guatemala board, doing her part in helping current and future girls have an opportunity.

11 Lilian webLilian graduated in November 2012 from high school. In January 2012 I spoke to her about her being the class clown in English and not meeting her potential. She would not be able to apply for a university scholarship and should therefore work hard to get the best grades for her future job search. She took the talk seriously, becoming her class valedictorian. As a result, she realized what her less serious attitude cost her and what her hard work gained her. Instead of earning $150-200 per month, she is earning $375 per month while her average classmates are still looking for jobs. She wants to share her lessons to incoming scholarship girls.

8-7 Merlyn medallionMerlyn won first place in her state, Guatemala and an international competition in Spain for her senior High School research paper. During her senior year practical experience, the bank offered her a full time job as assistant auditor for the bank branches. She accepted and has resigned from the program due to her new very busy and well paid job.


We have in addition

  • 1  University municipal Administrator
  • 4  Girls able to continue studying at university while working
  • 3  High school graduates working at banks
  • 8  High school graduates working in business
  • 2  High school grads working in stores
  • 2  High school grad administrators
  • 1  High school grad working in tourism
  • 5  other High school grads
  • 16 still in the program at High school or University levels
  • At least 8 working in call centers and in University or soon starting

Unfortunately and especially during the early years, we have had 10 girls drop out or dropped for reasons of grades, health issues and family demands. As awareness of educational benefits improves, so does the chance of the girls being able to finish their studies.