Intermediate ESL

(please read carefully)

  1. Grammar usage: please correct any grammar errors. Rather than give the correct grammar, ask the girl if she would like to rethink her sentence. Let her work out where the error is. After trying and not succeeding, you might suggest “is the verb in agreement with the subject” and so on.
  2. Retention: start with 3-4 easy sentences and work up to more. Read the sentences and ask her to repeat, word for word the sentences. Then ask what they mean. A call center employee has to hear, be able to recall and act on customer explanations.
  3. Fluidity; they have to keep a conversation going without pauses and fillers (ummm, ahhh or silences). They have to understand increasingly difficult levels of conversation (commensurate with the NorthStar reading levels)
  4. Problem solving: develop the thinking process necessary to gather information, determine a solution and explain the possibilities. NorthStar is a system that requires thinking and problem solving.
  5. NorthStar: Your use of NorthStar should be the thinking, reasoning, problem solving sections. You should not be spending time going over vocabulary building homework questions. You, as a resource are much more important in conversational skill development.
  6. Please do not spend your precious time together having her read from a book. Anyone can read from a book without understanding the content. NorthStar discussions require thinking, creating good sentence structure and grammar in conversation and problem solving skill building. These are the necessary tools to getting a bilingual job.  


  • Intermediate Lesson Plans  Intermediate Lesson Plans 2018
  • NS Basic Lesson Goals
  • Tell Me More
  • Basico Ingles   Suggested Use:  If you find your girl is missing some grammar theme, you can look up the page numbers by topic and/or page numbers and assign your girl those pages. Have her read these pages to you the following week, then give an example in her own words, etc. Or, you can have her use the correct form in the following week’s lesson. See BEGINNERS section for download


NORTHSTAR Intermediate


Many of the sections should be done by your girl while in their classes or as homework, not using your precious time together.

For lessons that have been transcribed, there is color coding. These sections are marked in RED. GREEN are sections you might choose to use as a conversation starter. BLUE topics are generally discussion of analysis and problem solving sections. It would be most helpful if you would participate in these parts. Ask questions or listen to her solutions before giving your opinions, please.

Focus on the Topic

  • Predicting topic from series of pictures: promote thinking and analyzing- should be done the week before starting on this lesson
  • Sharing Information: having opinions and problem solving
  • Preparing to listen: using information given
  • Vocabulary for comprehension

Focus on Listening

  • Listening One

Listen for main ideas

Listening for details and answering questions

Reacting to listening and discussion

  • Second listening section

Focus on Vocabulary

  • Use the new words in sentences

Focus on Speaking

  • Pronunciation: stress
  • Small talk
  • Grammar: some topic
  1. NS Intermediate Ch.1 Advertizing on the Air
  2. NS Intermediate Ch.2 Pushing the Limit
  3. NS Intermediate Ch.3 Too Good to be True
  4. NS Intermediate Ch.4 Art of Storytelling
  5. NS Intermediate Ch.5 Separated by Same Language
  6. NS Intermediate Ch.6 Culture and Commerce
  7. NS Intermediate Ch.7 Joking Around
  8. NS Intermediate Ch.8 Traditional or Trendy
  9. NS Intermediate Ch.9 Spank or not to Spank
  10. NS Intermediate Ch.10 Before You Say I Do

NORTHSTAR High Intermediate

NS High Intermed Lesson Goals (link)

  1. NS High Intermediate Ch.1 News Resisters ESL Angels
  2. NS High Intermediate Ch.2 The Achiles Heel scan
  3. NS High Intermediate Ch.3 Early to Bed, Early to Rise
  4. NS High Intermediate Ch.4 Eye of the Storm
  5. NS High Intermediate Ch.5 You Will be this Land
  6. NS High Intermediate Ch.6 It’s Better to Give Than Receive
  7. NS High Intermediate Ch.7 Emotional Intelligence
  8. NS High Intermediate Ch.8 Goodbye to Sit-Down Meal
  9. NS High Intermediate Ch.9 Finding a Nitche- Young Immigrants
  10. NS High Intermediate Ch.10 Technology Blessing or Curse