Beginners ESL


  1. You can reinforce grammar by speaking using the current grammar topic the girl is learning in her classes. Use the below listed lesson plans to reinforce what the girl is learning. For example, if the topic is subject pronouns, have a conversation using them and expecting her to use them.
  2. The girls have books they use to help with vocabulary and comprehension. Adapt your conversation to support that topic. For example, if the topic is your health, you can ask her to explain what she does to maintain health in her body – or what causes health problems. Get her to talk, using the new vocabulary. Additionally, Level 1 short story transcripts are listed below.




If you find your girl is missing some grammar theme, you can look up the topic and assign your girl those pages. Have her read these pages to you the following week, then give an example in her own words, etc. You can give the lesson without having a copy of the book.


4. Las oraciones – Sentences [10-16]
5. Sustantivos – Nouns [19-43]
6. Pronombres – Pronouns [45-63]
7. Adjetivos – Adjectives [64-90]
8. Verbos (introducction) – Verbs (Introduction) [92-93]
9. Verbos (tiempos del presented) – Verbs (Present time) [94-134]
10. Verbos (tiempo pasado) – Verbs (Past Tense) [135-153]
11. Verbos (tiempo future) – Verbs (Future Time) [154-161]
12. Verbos (otros models) – Verbs (Other Patterns) [162-182]
13. Verbos (usos especiales) – Verbs (Special Uses) [183-191]
14. Verbos (voz pasiva) – Vers (Passive Voice) [192-194]
15. Verbos (modo imperativo) – Verbs (Imperative Mood) [195-197]
16. Verbos (modo subjuntivo) – Verbs (Subjunctive Mood) [198-202]
17. Preposiciones – Prepositions [203-248]
18. Adverbios – Adverbs [249-261]
19. Conjunciones – Conjunctions [262-268]
20. Marcadores del discurso – Discourse Markers [269-279]



  • L1 reading – stories:

These are low reading level stories. You have the transcripts and many of the recordings your girl should have already listened to.

Suggested Use: discussion of the stories may include what she learned, do they have similar animals/ experiences, etc, did she think it was interesting and why?


Transcript of the various chapters aimed at starting discussions.

Suggested Use: discussion and questions she needs to answer – more than Yes/No answers. For example: has the chapter on brushing teeth been important? Why-how?



  • This resource is on hold for now. Please advance to Read On Two or Northstar Beginners

READ ON TWO transcript

  • Read On Two Transcripts with Audio:
    (Click the PDF link below to read each chapter.
    Click the bulleted link hear the Chapter audio)
  1. Chapter 1 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  2. Chapter 2 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  3. Chapter 3 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  4. Chapter 4 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  5. Chapter 5 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  6. Chapter 6 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  7. Chapter 7 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  8. Chapter 8 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  9. Chapter 9 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  10. Chapter 10 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  11. Chapter 11 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  12. Chapter 12 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  13. Chapter 13 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  14. Chapter 14 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  15. Chapter 15 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  16. Chapter 16 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  17. Chapter 17 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  18. Chapter 18 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  19. Chapter 19 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)
  20. Chapter 20 from READ ON TWO Transcript (PDF)

(Click 1 through 10 below for text; click the bulleted links for audio)

  1. NS Basic Ch.1 Offbeat Jobs ESL
  2. NS Basic Ch.2 A piece of the country in the City
  3. NS Basic Ch.3 A Penny Saved
  4. NS Basic Ch.4 At Your Service- Service Animals
  5. NS Basic Ch.5 Celletiquete
  6. NS Basic Ch.6 Is It Woman’s Work
  7. NS Basic Ch.7 Good Food Moods
  8. NS Basic Ch.8 An Ice Palace to Stay
  9. NS Basic Ch.9 Staying Healthy
  10. NS Basic Ch.10 Endangered Languages


Many of the sections should be done by your girl while in their classes or as homework, not using your precious time together.

For lessons that have been transcribed, there is color coding. These sections are marked in RED. GREEN are sections you might choose to use as a conversation starter. BLUE topics are generally discussion of analysis and problem solving sections. It would be most helpful if you would participate in these parts. Ask questions or listen to her solutions before giving your opinions, please.

Focus on the Topic

  • Predicting topic from series of pictures: promote thinking and analyzing- should be done the week before starting on this lesson
  • Sharing Information: having opinions and problem solving
  • Preparing to listen: using information given
  • Vocabulary for comprehension

Focus on Listening

  • Listening One

Listen for main ideas

Listening for details and answering questions

Reacting to listening and discussion

  • Second listening section

Focus on Vocabulary

  • Use the new words in sentences

Focus on Speaking

  • Pronunciation: stress
  • Small talk
  • Grammar: some topic